Odometer Fraud Prevention Techniques

Sometimes people reset the odometers on rental cars to avoid paying mileage costs. Additionally, when someone wants to sell a used car for more money, they might tamper with the odometer. The typical rollback is around 30,000 miles (48,000 km), which might push up the sale price by a significant amount.

Examine titles, maintenance logs, inspection stickers, tire tread depth, and car parts to find and prevent odometer fraud. It would help if you then went for an odometer disclosure statement Florida.

1- Check the odometer to see how many miles are on it.

The typical annual mileage for cars is 12,000 miles. The odometer may have been tampered with in a five-year-old car with much fewer than 60,000 miles on it.

General Motors’ mechanical odometers have a black space between the numerals. A white or silver gap indicates that the GM odometer has likely been altered. 

2- Request the genuine title, not a copy, from the seller.

It may be an instance of title washing or odometer reading on title wrong if the title is from another state or is fresh new, and the stated mileage may be inaccurate.

Make sure to carefully study the mileage number on the title and check for smudging or other manipulation. The mileage should be displayed in the title in the clear font on a white backdrop. 

3- Demand to see the invoices for your oil changes, maintenance, and inspections. 

Check the mileage on the inspection stickers and receipts and contrast it with the vehicle’s odometer. You can find inspection stickers on windows or door frames. 


Bring the car to a mechanic and ask him to check it for damage and wear. If the odometer reading on title wrong reported, contact a lemon lawyer from Allen Stewart for an odometer disclosure statement Florida.

To know more about Exempt seller disclosure california please visit our website: allenstewart.com

The Odometer Reading on My Title is Incorrect: Everything I Should Learn

You can change the mileage on a title by asking the seller who first recorded for an updated odometer disclosure statement Florida. Any Secretary of State Branch Office can complete a corrected title application.

1- Why does my title imply that the mileage is not actual?

Odometer malfunction, replacement, or owner ignorance of accurate mileage are all reasons for “not true mileage.” Excessive wear should be a red flag that the odometer could not be accurate. It should be recorded on the title and somewhere on the car, generally the door panel if the odometer has been adjusted.

2- What are the signs for a rolled-back digital odometer?

The inspection documents in the vehicle history report are necessary to identify odometer rollback fraud for the odometer disclosure statement Florida. The mileage displayed on the odometer should be comparable with the mileage recorded in the maintenance. The mileage is often recorded during repairs and inspections.

3- What happens if the mileage on the title is incorrect? 

Odometer manipulation is illegal. Your local DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) can assist you whether you need to update the mileage on a vehicle’s title due to the odometer reading on title wrong. Once you have everything in order and are ready to sell the automobile, you may obtain a fixed title.

Final thought

According to AARP, a car’s annual mileage is often estimated to be between 12,000 and 15,000 miles. If you believe that you have been taken advantage of by a lemon automobile with an odometer reading on title wrong, you should speak with attorneys at Allen Stewart.

To know more about Consumer fraud attorney please visit our website: allenstewart.com