What Are New Car Warranty and New Warranty Laws?

A manufacturer’s New Car warranty on a brand-new car is the company’s promise that the vehicle will perform as promised for a predetermined time frame. They’re a legal agreement between you and the manufacturer guaranteeing service in case of a fault or malfunction.

A factory warranty will only last as long as the vehicle is serviced regularly and any problems are addressed at the dealer.

What Characteristics set a Particular Warranty Apart from Others?

The quality of a warranty depends on several elements, including:

  • Duration constraints: The length of time and distance covered by the warranty varies widely depending on the component. The powertrain, which consists of the engine, transmission, and axles, is typically guaranteed for the duration of the warranty. The warranty on your vehicle may only cover the original batteries and audio/entertainment system for the first year or two.
  • Know what your manufacturer’s New Car warranty covers and what it does not. Most warranties, for instance, won’t pay for repairs caused by neglect, everyday wear and tear, or the installation of aftermarket components.
  • When you’re more than a set distance from home and your car breaks down, some warranties will pay for emergency roadside assistance, a rental car, and transportation costs.

Legislation governing guarantees:

Laws protecting buyers of new and used automobiles that fail to operate as intended and require many trips back to the dealer for maintenance are referred to as “new car warranty laws.”


When you hire a lemon law attorney, they will assist you in submitting your claim. When dealing with car companies that refuse to honor their warranties, they have decades of expertise between them. However, lemon Warranty laws cases are subject to restrictions; thus, procrastinating will make it more difficult to collect damages. You can visit our website for more details on new car warranty.

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How to Verify a Car’s Warranty Status: A Complete Guide

When people buy a used automobile, they frequently want to know if the original manufacturer’s warranty still covers it. It might be even hard to remember new car warranty conditions occasionally. If you just Googled about warranty laws, you are at the right place.

If you’ve bought an extended warranty plan for your car, you’ll need to contact the new car warranty company to find out the details of your particular conditions. Read on to learn more:

1-Find your VIN

A 17-character string of letters and numbers exclusive to your car makes up the VIN plate or sticker. Check the outside of your windshield directly beneath the wiper on the driver’s side to find the VIN.

2-Check the odometer

Behind your steering wheel is the odometer, which is either mechanical or electronic. The car’s power system may need to be turned on for the dash and instrument panel to show information before you can view an electrical odometer. Most new car warranty laws include a mileage cap, so it’s critical to understand how many miles have been put on your automobile.

3-Call your local dealership

In the worst-case situation, you might need to go to the dealership if you can’t locate a VIN. They can help you even in this situation since they have all the necessary information on a new car warranty.

Wrapping up

Obtaining the status of your vehicle’s warranty may be done in three easy steps. Get your VIN, verify the mileage, and contact your dealer to find out if your automobile is still protected. If you liked this manual, see Allen Stewart’s other manuals and reports for more details on warranty laws.

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Is it Worth Buying the New Car Warranty?

A new vehicle comes with a standard warranty that covers the new buyer’s particular duration and provides some miles coverage. The normal warranty covers you in case of any major problems, but you might have seen a salesperson forcing you to buy the new car warranty. Today we will be looking at whether it is worth spending so much extra money on the new car warranty.

What is the new car warranty?

The new car warranty comes into the picture after the factory warranties have expired. Since the items covered in the original manufacturer’s warranty differ from plan to plan, most of them do not cover simple items such as tires, brake pads, oil changes, air filters, etc.

Some also cover other aspects such as roadside assistance, towing, etc. Such items are covered under the new car warranty. These services are not used frequently, and you may never know whether or not you will need these services or not.

Do you need to take the new car warranty?

Getting a new car warranty is a huge gamble. If you have the discipline to set aside a couple of thousand dollars, choosing the new car warranty is the best choice.

Once you get the new car warranty, you can easily get the best services in emergencies. You make the most use of the new car warranty if you get a lemon.

Wrapping up

You can discuss your queries regarding new car warranty and other warranty laws with our professionals from Allen Stewart.

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What you need to know about warranty laws?

If you have just bought a new car, it’s probably essential to understand what your warranty means. Your New Car warranty is supposed to protect you from issues that arise after the purchase of the vehicle. If there is an issue with the vehicle not functioning as it should, how do you know if your warranty will cover it or not?

The relief provided by lemon laws

Lemon laws are designed to protect consumers who buy new cars by providing them with various options for either using their warranty or getting their money back on a defective product. These laws differ across different states and jurisdictions, but overall, they help people avoid costly trips to court.

Before you start making lemon law claims, make sure to understand how your warranty works. The fine print could save you a lot of time and effort if the problem is related to the warranty rather than the lemon law.

What is not covered by warranty?

Some things that are not covered by warranty are fuel efficiency, tires, battery problems, paint defects, and even cosmetic issues like paint chipping or scratches on the car.

Warranties do not cover wear and tear issues or other natural causes of damage. Also, remember that warranties will not cover damage caused by vandalism or accidents. This is because you will need to prove fault in order for you to get compensation for repairs.

To sign off

Hope this post gave an insight into the new car warranty laws. Get in touch with a capable team of attorneys like Allen Stewart for complete resolution on lemon law cases.

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3 Tips to File A New Car Lemon Law Claim

Each state has its own set of “lemon laws.” They deal with the problem of irreparably defective new automobiles. You can handle the lemon claim on your own. But suppose you find the procedure too complex, or the manufacturer is acting unfairly. In that case, you can seek the assistance of an attorney. An attorney who has worked with lemons and manufacturers will fight for your rights.

Here’s are three tips to help you file a new car lemon law claim.

1 – Take your vehicle to a dealer for repairs

You must take your car to a manufacturer’s representative under the lemon law. During warranty, you must allow the dealership a “reasonable number of attempts” to repair your automobile. If you take your vehicle to an independent repair shop, any “unauthorized” work on it may void your New Car warranty.

2 – Obtain your dealership repair orders

Make sure to bring up the specific problem of concern each time you visit the dealership. It creates a paper trail supporting your claim. Moreover, it is frequently the most important evidence in a lemon law claim. You must also ensure that your issues are accurately recorded. And maintain track of your repair orders. 

3 – Hire an Experienced Lemon Law Attorney

If you’re thinking about filing a complaint against your automobile manufacturer, you should consult with an experienced lemon law attorney. Filing a complaint necessitates legal expertise, and major manufacturers generally have defense counsel. 

To conclude

If you have queries about filing a claim or about warranty laws under the lemon vehicle, you can contact Allen Stewart for consultation.

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