How do Crooks Manage to Change Car Mileage?

While buying used cars, you must ask the car dealer whether the odometer mileage shown on the car is correct or not. They might lie or tell you the truth, but you must know it is easy to change the car mileage.

We have the answer to how to change car mileage. Although tampering with odometers is illegal, this is an informative blog on how crooks change car mileage.

1- By changing the instrument cluster

Japanese cars store their mileage on their instrument cluster and not on their ECU. This makes it easy for fraudsters to tamper with the readings. In the case of a new cluster, mileage will be zero, and a used cluster will show previous mileage.

2- Meddling with the knob

The knob serves multiple purposes like changing the temperature, showing the remaining fuel, etc. The fraudsters will tamper with the readings, press the knob for a couple of seconds, and it will reset the odometer mileage to zero.

3- Reset the odometer

In previous cars, the odometer could be easily reset to zero. You need to remove the odometer, change the values, and then install it again. If the odometer has a tamper-proof seal, it will be difficult to tamper with the readings.

The one thing that most fraudsters look after is they reduce the mileage, and it does not match the vehicle’s condition. Hence, you must always get the vehicle history report, compare the readings, and buy the vehicle.

Final thoughts

This is how you can change the odometer mileage. If you think you’re a victim of odometer tampering, you can contact the professionals from Allen Stewart.

To know more about Historical odometer record please visit our website:

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