A Brief About Car Lemon in Arizona

Buying a new vehicle is always fun and exciting. But what if your vehicle starts having problems, but the dealership cannot repair it? Then you must know you have a car lemon in Arizona Consumer fraud act, and today we will briefly explain what car lemon in Arizona is all about.

What is car lemon in Arizona?

In Arizona, lemon is described as a vehicle that was fine during purchase, but soon after, it started showing the same set of problems that the dealership nor the manufacturers were able to repair.

New car buyers benefit the most from car lemons in Arizona since they are covered under the original manufacturer’s warranty. However, the used car owners are also covered with different conditions.

What qualifies as a lemon?

The issues should be major regarding the brakes, engines, transmission or the vehicle shuts down randomly. You must take the car to the dealership a total of four times for repairs, or the car should be in the dealership for 30 days. You must report the failures within the first two years or 24,000 miles.

What Is the condition for new vs. used cars?

The new car owners are protected under their original warranty and 24,000 miles. However, used car owners do not get such protection. Used cars are protected for 15 days or 500 miles.

If the new owner faces issues, the previous buyer needs to pay up to $25 for the initial two repairs. If the vehicle is not repaired, the buyer can ask for a refund.

Wrapping up

Learn more about the Arizona consumer fraud act and car lemon in Arizona from the experts of Allen Stewart.

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